Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Boys 5th Grade  >   Standings

League Standings
Rank Team GP Record Pct GB
Gold Division
1 MacDaddy (Duncan - NC Blue) 10 7-3-0  (W5) 0.700 --
2 Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) 10 6-4-0  (L1) 0.600 1
3 Demons (Wilson - Red) 10 4-6-0  (W1) 0.400 3
4 Fiery Cheezeballs (Silva - Gold) 10 2-8-0  (L5) 0.200 5
Silver Division
1 Pistons (Lovato - Kelly Green) 10 8-2-0  (W1) 0.800 --
2 Cyclones (Munoz - Raider Gray) 10 7-3-0  (W3) 0.700 1
3 Gillman's Gunners (McCarver - Black) 10 4-6-0  (L1) 0.400 4
4 Warriors (Baker - Orange) 10 2-8-0  (L2) 0.200 6
  Complete Standings
  Please note that the playoff bar is not shown in this view
