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SkateQuest  >   SAHL C1 2022  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
5/17/2022 CGK John Mercer (00) Fighting 1 Game
4/12/2022 Gorilla Dekes Mike Genalo (5) Fighting 1 Game
5/17/2022 Minutemen C1 Alex Yuk (11) Kicking Opponent in the Head with Intent Indefinitely
3/15/2022 TBD Chris McNabney Spearing 1 Game
6/7/2022 Gorilla Dekes Jack Paver (55) Two Unsportsmanlike Conduct GM's 2 Games
6/7/2022 Gorilla Dekes Brendan Boyle Unsportsmanlike Conduct 1 Game
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid