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GNASHockey  >   2001-2002 Season  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
12/5/2001 Father Ryan Edward Longard (3) 12/05/01 vs Brentwood
Rule 4.01 (b) Gnash Handbook
1 Game: 12/07/01
11/25/2001 Beech Buccaneers Josh Backman (21) Checking from Behind
11/24/01 vs Arkansas (exhibition)
1 game: 11/28/01
11/25/2001 Beech Buccaneers Levi Smithey (17) Fighting
11/24/01 vs Arkansas (exhibition)
1 game: 11/28/01
3/1/2002 Beech Buccaneers Levi Smithey (17) Fisticuffs (USA Hockey Rule 613(e))
GNASHockey Rule 4.01 (a) (ii)
5 games: Senior
Pd: $250
2/4/2002 Father Ryan Frank McMahon (68) Fisticuffs USA Hockey rule 613(e)
GNASHockey rule 4.01 (a)(i)
3 games: 2/6/02, 2/8/02, 2/15/02
2/4/2002 Mt. Juliet Bryan Jackson (91) Fisticuffs- USA Hockey rule 613 (e)
GNASHockey rule 4.01 (a) (i)
3 games: 2/8/02, 2/13/02, 2/15/02
1/25/2002 Montgomery Bell Academy Aaron Davis (7) Head Butting
rule 603(d)
1 game: 1/25/02
1/25/2002 Centennial B Austin Smith (15) High Sticking
rule 617(b)
1 game: 1/25/02
12/23/2001 Centennial A Coach Chris Theissing (0) Verbal abuse of official
game misc. rule 404 (c)
1 game: 1/4/02
1/18/2002 Sharks Coach Mark Jones (0) Verbal abuse of official rule 404(c) 1 game: 1/18/02
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid