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Polar Ice-Chandler  >   Intermediate - Fall/Winter 2005  >   Goalie Statistics

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Goalie Statistics
# Player Team Sv%ShotsSavesGAAGAGPRecordMinPenPIMASO
1 00 - Cameron Tang (G)-need USAH COPPERHEADS 0.881 379 334 4.500 45 10 6-4-0 450 0 0 0 0
2 31 - Jeff Ginzel (G) ROCK BOTTOM 0.869 549 477 4.000 72 18 13-4-1 810 0 0 0 0
3 01 - Wil Flores (G) JETS 0.867 563 488 5.000 75 16 7-5-4 675 1 2 2 1
4 33 - Ken Farrell (G) THUNDERBIRDS 0.863 497 429 4.250 68 16 7-5-4 720 1 2 0 0
5 01 - Kiernan Reilly (G) CHIEFS 0.861 366 315 4.250 51 12 11-1-0 540 0 0 1 0
6 00 - Bryan Junk (G) ICE HOUNDS 0.855 311 266 3.462 45 13 9-2-2 585 2 4 0 1
7 01 - Wil Flores (G) CHILIPEPPERS 0.854 601 513 6.286 88 14 5-8-1 630 0 0 0 0
8 30 - Caleb Hanger (G) AVENUE LEAFS 0.849 683 580 6.059 103 18 8-8-2 765 2 4 1 0
9 00 - Torrey Graf (G) ISOTOPES 0.848 427 362 5.000 65 13 6-5-2 585 1 2 0 0
10 35 - JR Nelen (G)-need USAH EMPIRE C 0.847 378 320 6.444 58 9 2-3-4 405 0 0 0 0
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