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 7/18/2003 1:27:00 PM
It's a pretty tight race for playoff positioning. This is where it gets fun. Place your bets
posted by
man n the myth
 7/7/2003 1:49:00 PM
what happen to the burn and its players just wondering
posted by
 6/26/2003 2:52:00 PM
Mark- No worries and apology accepted. I like to talk a lot of "smack". Like I said, at some point each team gets busted. Rules are rules, but that sock rule has to go. The game was entertaining.
posted by
 6/26/2003 1:11:00 PM
MSP, My apologies on questioning your honesty about knowing about the illegal player. The same thing happened to us against the Flyers, we found out later that the ref had turned in illegal player to the league. I have never played in a League that was so strict about the rules, all the way down to the socks. As for our game last night, congrats to you and your team. It was a fun and well played game by both teams. No sunscreen was needed.
posted by
 6/21/2003 3:33:00 PM
Mr. Tender? HA!! That's funny. That makes how many posts that you guys have complained about forfeiting? And you're calling us tender?? As my friend Mark said - Ironic. Funny thing is our team cap told you guys before the game that you'd forfeit if you played your illegal man. See you next week - it's going to be a good game.
posted by
 6/20/2003 6:58:00 AM
RE-Mark: Nobody complained on our squad as we didn't even know until the game was posted. Again, it w/not have mattered if we did know.
Perhaps some SPF 45 for the back of your neck "mr. tender" after we light you up next week
posted by
 6/14/2003 8:13:00 AM
Ironic. The Waves win by forfeit and they are whiners and cry babies. Excalibur wins by forfeit and it is a different story. Plead your case of innocence, but in your own words “....take the win and the 2 points if ya think it will help your over-all status”
posted by
 6/9/2003 10:02:00 AM
Incredible - I, as the team rep, had no idea the Flash used a non-valid player. It's unfortunate, but the rule. Like I said previously, every team uses one at some point - whether they get caught is another issue. Sorry Flash, we had no idea
posted by
man n the myth
 6/6/2003 4:54:00 PM
I just want to say that i play for excalibur and we never complained at all about any player not being on the flashes team and that i guess the league found out because not one play said anything about that to anyone.
posted by
 5/14/2003 11:36:00 AM
The only reason that the waves are not in last place is because they threw a fit and cried. So keep it up Waves, you can have the win against us (actually take all of them)... and prepare to get smoked in the playoffs
posted by
 5/12/2003 9:28:00 AM
Rules-are just that, rules and true, are meant to be enforced. Perhaps officals should check ID's prior to games. I could certainly attest that each team uses an illegal player at some point. Would my team Excalib complain about it, nope. Fact of the matter is that the Waves rep approached me with the isssue prior the puck drop and said he had no issues with the player. I said are you sure cause I'll send him home. He assured me. He broke his word because his team got waxed, and the fact that league officials said it made no difference, yet they had to enforce the rule because of the complaint. So take the win and the 2 points if ya think it will help your over-all status
posted by
 5/11/2003 4:04:00 PM
Over 20 years in adult hockey leagues and this is the first one that I have played in that actually enforces all the rules not just a few or plays favorites with certain teams. Live by the rules or die by them, we all signed and agreed to play by the same set. All other arguments are pointless.
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