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Mark Young
 10/10/2006 10:00:00 AM
Update on the hockey equipment giveaway. All the ice hockey
equip is gone, including the big black CCM bag and two pair
of gloves. Only thing left is a bag with goalie equipment,
goalie stick and two regular sticks (1-RH and 1-LH).
posted by
Mark Young
 9/28/2006 10:12:00 AM
I have used street hockey equipment,
including sticks and goalie stuff, that I've
cleaned out of my basement. Even have large
zippered bag that it's stored in. I live in
Alexandria and know where Hammond Middel
School is.

I don't want to sell it, just to give it to
someone who could put it to use. Either
youse folks or maybe your kids.

I can even drop it by one of your games

Please let me know A.S.A.P. or it will get
donated to the Salvation Army very soon.

I also have a large CCM bag full of regular
ice hockey equipment, including all pads and
a face mask/helmet. Pants are XXL (my kid was huge).

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