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GNASHockey  >   2002-2003 Season  >   Misc League Info

Standings & Tie-Breakers
(a) The League regular season overall League and Division standings will be determined in the following order:

(i) Overall league point standings after playing the entire regular season schedule (2 points for a win; 1 point for a tie; and zero points for a loss). If two or more teams have an equal number of points at the conclusion of the regular season, their final position will be determined by the results of the games played between the teams considered in the following order

(ii) The greater number of games won.

(iii) Points awarded in head to head competition. If all teams tied at this level have not played each other the same number of times do not use this level for any of the teams and go to the next level.

(iv) The greater differential (subtraction) between goals for and goals against for head to head games. (Max seven (7) goal differential per game).

(v) Least penalty minutes in head to head games.

(vi) Least penalty minutes per game for entire season.

If these tie-breaking techniques do not resolve the tie, the Commissioner shall resolve the matter. (Note: This provision, which does not permit consideration of the total goals scored against all other teams, is specifically intended to give no benefit to a stronger team’s running up the score on a weaker team).

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