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Ice Station  >   2006-07Fall/Winter Adult Level IV(A)  >   Misc League Info

2019 H.S. Hockey Playing Rules
LINK: 2019 H.S. Hockey Playing Rules


2019 High School Hockey League

All Team Rosters selected thru a player draft.

12 Regular Season Games
2 Designated Practices

25 Complimentary Admission Tickets
All-Star Game
Alumni Game
Special Awards

Enrollment Cost $599 -
(Proof of USA Hockey Membership required)

For the 2019 Season, jerseys and socks are included.


Round Robin Playdown to a final game in the 2019 Memorial Day Hockey Challenge Tournament - High School Division - 5/24 - 5/27. - 4 Games Guaranteed.

Each player is required to bring the following items to register:

- Proof of USA Hockey Membership

All teams are required to carry 15 players minimum on each of the four team rosters.


The Ice Station High School Hockey League will use the "Official Rules of Ice Hockey" 2017-21 Edition from USA Hockey.

Specific issues that are not covered by the USA Hockey Rule Book are:

Game Length: Each High School game will consist of three 15 minute stop-time periods. In the event of a six goal spread at the 10 minute mark of the third period, the clock will be running time.

Tied Games(Regular Season): If at the end of regulation time, the score is tied, there will be a three minute stop-time sudden death overtime period. Each team will play with 4 skaters and a goaltender. If at the end of the overtime period, the score remains tied, a THREE MAN SHOOT-OUT WILL OCCUR. If the tie is broken during overtime OR SHOOT-OUT the winning team will receive two points and the losing team will receive one point for the initial tie.

Tied Games (Playoffs): There will be 2 three minute overtime periods (4 on 4) followed by a 5 man shoot-out.

Four Penalty Rule: Any player receiving four penalties during a game is subject to an automatic game misconduct penalty. This will cause a player to sit out the next regularly scheduled game. MODIFICATION TO USA Hockey Rule RULE #404 (d).

Third Man-in Rule: Any player receiving a penalty for "third man into an altercation" will be given a game misconduct penalty unless otherwise indicated by the referee.

EFFECTIVE MARCH 20TH, 2010 - Major Fighting Penalty:
Fighting/Game Misconduct: Any player receiving a Major Penalty for fighting in the last 5 minutes of the game will be handed a mandatory 5 game suspension. Any subsequent occurrence(2nd offense) will result in a suspension for the remainder of the season including playoff games.

Any player suspended in a subsequent occurrence will have to submit a written request for a hearing to the Ice Station Hockey Department. This hearing will determine if the player will be reinstated for the following High School Hockey Season.

Penalty Minute Maximum: Any player receiving 35 minutes in cumulative penalties during the regular season will be subject to an automatic game misconduct that will be served at the next scheduled game. Any player reaching 50 minutes in cumulative penalties will be ejected from the league.


If an attacking player precedes the puck that is shot, passed or deflected into the Attacking Zone, the Linesman shall signal a delayed off-side.
The off-side violation will be nullified if all attacking players in the Attacking Zone clear the Attacking Zone by making skate contact with the blue line. The Attacking Zone must be completely clear of attacking players before a delayed off-side can be nullified with the puck still in the Attacking Zone.

15 Penalties Rule:

Any team receiving 15 penalties in a game will subject their Head Coach to a Game Misconduct to be served at the next scheduled game.

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