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Hoop Magic  >   1st Annual Hoop Magic Sports Summer League  >   Misc League Info

League Rules
Two 20 minute modified running halves.

The clock will stop in the last two minutes of each half.

3 full timeouts and 2 twenty-second timeouts per game.

If a player or coach is ejected from the game that player or coach cannot attend the next game.

Overtime is a three-minute period.

A team has a ten(10) minute grace period before each game. A forfeit will be awarded if the team does not show. You will however be allowed to start a game with four players. Your 5th player must arrive before the 10-minute mark of the first half or a forfeit will be awarded to the other teams.

Failure to show up for a game will result in an automatic expulsion from the league, without refund.

All monies, rosters and hold harmless forms must be received at the June 3rd meeting, which will be held at the Hoop Magic Sports Academy at 11am in the morning. Any player who does not have a signed hold harmless form cannot play until it is received.

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