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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2009-10 Girls 3rd&4th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Fire and Ice (Williams-Black) 29 at Green Dragons (Rickard-Kelly Green) 18
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/20/2010 3:00p Fire and Ice (Williams-Black)
Location Academy of Alameda(Chipman)Gym Green Dragons (Rickard-Kelly Green)
Game Type Normal
Official(s) : Jonathan Walker
: Julian Walker
Game Summary The Fire & Ice game was a game of Rebounds, Steals and Assits. 17 Rebounds, 15 Steals and 8 assists for a total team effort. Olivia Carafaro-Mirviss with 8 points, Mira Pimonte 8, Taylor Williams 5, Gabriella Roincon 3, Lizzy Avery 3 and Emma Onagas with 2 for the win.
Team Summaries Green Dragons (Rickard-Kelly Green) Notes:
The Green Dragons hung on through a fast-paced game led by the Fire and Ice Team. The Dragons leading scorer was Jeannine Rivera with points earned also by Zoe Rickard and Alexandra Guion. Gabi Franco and Adrien Ha assisted with rebounds.

Fire and Ice (Williams-Black) Notes:
The Fire & Ice game was a game of Rebounds, Steals and Assits. 17 Rebounds, 15 Steals and 8 assists for a total team effort. Olivia Carafaro-Mirviss with 8 points, Mira Pimonte 8, Taylor Williams 5, Gabriella Roincon 3, Lizzy Avery 3 and Emma Onagas with 2 for the win.

Stats not set up yet.