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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2009-10 Girls 3rd&4th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Green Dragons (Rickard-Kelly Green) 15 at Fire and Ice (Williams-Black) 20
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/9/2010 9:00a Green Dragons (Rickard-Kelly Green)
Location Academy of Alameda(Chipman)Gym Fire and Ice (Williams-Black)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Green Dragons held Fire and Ice to a close game. At the half, the score was within 2 shots as Dragons defense and offense worked in sync.Gabi Franco and Tabbi Compton assisted in scoring. Alexandra Guion, Hadassah Aghauler and Adeline Rickard kept the pressure on their opponents. Elizabeth Avery lead the Fire and Ice with 8 points and two rebounds, Mira Piamonte 7 points,Gabriela Rincon with 4 points and Olivia Cafaro-Mirviss with 1 point and 10 rebounds.Fantastic defense held by both teams, but the Fire and Ice defense rounded out the win, lead by Sofia Kniveton-Insogna, Phoebe Choae, Emma Onaga, Taylor Williams and Sophia Piamonte.
Team Summaries Fire and Ice (Williams-Black) Notes:
Elizabeth Avery lead the Fire and Ice with 8 points and two rebounds, Mira Piamonte 7 points,Gabriela Rincon with 4 points and Olivia Cafaro-Mirviss with 1 point and 10 rebounds.Fantastic defense held by both teams, but the Fire and Ice defense rounded out the win, lead by Sofia Kniveton-Insogna, Phoebe Choae, Emma Onaga, Taylor Williams and Sophia Piamonte.

Green Dragons (Rickard-Kelly Green) Notes:
The Green Dragons held Fire and Ice to a close game. At the half, the score was within 2 shots as Dragons defense and offense worked in sync.Gabi Franco and Tabbi Compton assisted in scoring. Alexandra Guion, Hadassah Aghauler and Adeline Rickard kept the pressure on their opponents.

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