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SkateQuest  >   SAHL D 2023-2024  >   Team Goalie Statistics

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Team Goalie Statistics
# Team Gms GPRecordShotsSavesSv%
1 MooseKnuckles 18 18 15-3-0 382 335 0.877
2 Lightning 18 17 10-7-0 496 429 0.865
3 Maple Leafs 18 18 10-8-0 425 360 0.847
4 Alers Reston 18 18 9-9-0 430 373 0.867
5 Iceland 18 18 9-9-0 469 397 0.846
6 Dynamo 18 12 8-4-0 337 295 0.875
7 Minutemen D 18 18 8-10-0 489 420 0.859
8 Huskies 18 18 6-12-0 529 430 0.813
9 Zamponies 18 16 1-15-0 509 413 0.811
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