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Polar Ice-Chandler  >   RECREATION - Fall/Winter 2006-07  >   Team Goalie Statistics

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Team Goalie Statistics
# Team Gms Sv%ShotsSavesGAGAARecordMinPenPIMASO
1 Topps 2 20 0.909 405 368 37 2.313 13-3-0 720 0 0 1 1
2 Mad Cows 20 0.892 553 493 60 3.000 17-3-0 900 2 4 2 3
3 Dragons 21 0.887 665 590 75 3.571 8-13-0 945 0 0 0 1
4 Ice Holes 21 0.886 516 457 59 2.950 15-5-0 900 1 2 0 2
5 Outlaws 20 0.880 476 419 57 3.000 12-7-0 855 0 0 0 1
6 Thunder 20 0.871 581 506 75 3.571 14-7-0 945 1 2 0 0
7 Bullshooters 20 0.870 570 496 74 3.700 10-10-0 900 2 4 2 2
8 Topps 20 0.869 574 499 75 3.571 13-8-0 945 1 2 0 0
9 Los Gatos 20 0.853 475 405 70 4.118 10-7-0 765 0 0 0 3
10 Regulators 20 0.851 724 616 108 5.400 8-12-0 900 0 0 1 0
11 Blast 20 0.846 382 323 59 3.688 11-5-0 720 0 0 4 1
12 Stormtroopers 20 0.841 678 570 108 5.400 6-14-0 900 0 0 2 0
13 Sheriff Stars 20 0.838 659 552 107 5.605 8-12-0 859 5 0 0 0
14 Monsoon 20 0.823 706 581 125 6.250 5-15-0 900 2 4 0 1
15 New Guys 21 0.820 449 368 81 4.050 9-11-0 900 1 2 0 1
16 BYOB 20 0.813 704 572 132 6.600 7-13-0 900 0 0 2 1
17 Wolf Pack 20 0.804 629 506 123 6.833 4-14-0 810 0 0 0 0
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