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Ice Station  >   2011-12 Fall/Winter Season - LEVEL II DIVISION  >   Suspension List

Suspension List
Date Team Name Infraction(s) Suspension
2/12/2012 STAY PUFT HOCKEY Kevin Kelly pd($15 Fine) (6) Major High Stick/Game Misconduct 2/22/2012: 1 Game
Due: $15
1/29/2012 Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct 2/5/2012: 1 Game
Pd: $15
10/2/2011 STAY PUFT HOCKEY Shaun Denes pd (30) Abuse of Official/Game Misconduct 10/9/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
9/11/2011 CHEAPSKATES John Schroerlucke pd (26) Fighting/Game Misconduct 9/18/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
9/11/2011 WATERPROOF Eugene Wheeler pd (33) Fighting/Game Misconduct 9/18/2011: 1 Game
Pd: $15
  Note: Fines and Suspensions marked in red are not yet served or paid