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C.S.H.A.  >   West Covina - Open Div Winter 05  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team PtsGPGAHatPMkr
1 77 - Jerry Osterkamp Cyclones 59 10 30 29 7 6
2 93 - Thomas Heffernan Cyclones 19 10 12 7 2 1
3 64 - Jeremy Morrissey Cyclones 16 10 9 7 0 0
4 44 - Kim Wescott Cyclones 13 10 8 5 0 0
5 3 - Nick Garland Cyclones 8 10 6 2 0 0
6 66 - Anthony Agobian Cyclones 8 10 4 4 1 0
7 94 - Jeremy Sturdy Cyclones 8 10 3 5 0 0
8 15 - Dave Wachtel Cyclones 1 10 0 1 0 0
9 3 - Joey Madrid Cyclones 0 10 0 0 0 0
10 Ryan McNichols Cyclones 0 10 0 0 0 0
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