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SFAHL  >   Spring/Summer 2004 'D' Div - SFAHL   >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team PtsGAPenPIMGP
1 3 - Dan Hogan EarthQuakes 17 8 9 3 6 15
2 21 - Marcus Howell EarthQuakes 16 10 6 4 8 15
3 12 - Bonnie Daly EarthQuakes 13 5 8 1 2 15
4 17 - Bob Trepanier EarthQuakes 13 5 8 2 4 15
5 69 - Brian Harrington EarthQuakes 12 7 5 3 19 15
6 11 - Mike Keihl EarthQuakes 9 4 5 0 0 15
7 7 - Kieran Flaherty EarthQuakes 7 3 4 3 6 15
8 9 - John Heine EarthQuakes 6 2 4 0 0 15
9 8 - Michelle Mateychuk EarthQuakes 3 2 1 2 4 15
10 24 - David Benesh EarthQuakes 3 1 2 6 12 15
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