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Player Statistics
# Player Team GPStar
1 6 - Divye Arora-Jain Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 10 0
2 3 - Ameer Cooper Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 9 0
3 5 - David Domico Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 9 0
4 77 - Sebastian Jayakumar Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 8 0
5 7 - Logan Karavlan Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 8 0
6 91 - Jameson Kenneally Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 8 0
7 27 - Lana Moore Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 8 0
8 64 - Tucker Porter Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 7 0
9 20 - Logan Robitaille (G) Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 7 0
10 21 - John Washinski Sabretooth Tigers - 3rd 7 0
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