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RMU Island Sports Center  >   18 3ON3 Sqt Tier 1  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team GPStar
1 7 - Eyobi Chamberlain Shamrocks - 7th 9 0
2 12 - Aiden Dillaman Shamrocks - 7th 9 0
3 8 - Fionn Hites Shamrocks - 7th 9 0
4 43 - Luke Hodgson Shamrocks - 7th 9 0
5 18 - Tyler Broskey Shamrocks - 7th 8 0
6 79 - Clayton Foster Shamrocks - 7th 8 0
7 33 - Stephen Slate Shamrocks - 7th 8 0
8 3 - Peyton Whartenby Shamrocks - 7th 8 0
9 30 - Colin Ziolkowski Shamrocks - 7th 8 0
10 58 - Trey Varga Shamrocks - 7th 7 0
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