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NOLL/SOLL  >   2016 Majors  >   Pitcher Statistics

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Pitcher Statistics
# Player Team PPIGPIPPC
1 Jaden S Nationals 18.83 9 13.33 251
2 Adam W Nationals 18.99 7 10.32 196
3 Reginald O Nationals 20.06 6 9.32 187
4 Taj R Nationals 20.39 7 9.32 190
5 Norrin W Nationals 20.70 11 19.32 400
6 David M Nationals 21.37 5 5.99 128
7 Seiji L Nationals 26.75 4 4.00 107
8 Elias H Nationals 27.85 9 11.31 315
9 Caven C Nationals 32.16 3 1.99 64
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