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Polar Ice-Chandler  >   Peewee Summer 2003  >   Overall Goalie Statistics

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Overall Goalie Statistics
# Player Team GPSv%ShotsSavesGAGAARecordMinAPenPIMSO
1 01 - Miguel Griffin (G) BARONS 8 0.892 158 141 17 2.153 3-3-2 308 1 0 0 3
2 17 - Alexander Palumbo (G) AEROS 19 0.874 517 452 65 3.421 8-10-1 741 0 0 0 0
3 35 - Seth Crowley (G) BARONS 10 0.848 204 173 31 3.053 5-2-3 396 0 0 0 1
4 09 - Ryan Koski (G) DUKES 15 0.821 351 288 63 4.200 6-8-1 585 0 0 0 1
5 00 - Jeremy Smith (G) LYNX 18 0.786 411 323 88 5.176 5-8-5 663 0 1 2 0
6 34 - Dennis Fries (G) SABERCATS 14 0.784 333 261 72 5.143 7-7-0 546 0 0 0 0
7 01 - Kelsey Eglinton (G) RIVERBLADES 20 0.765 327 250 77 3.850 10-7-3 780 0 0 0 1
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