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SFAHL  >   B Div Spring/Summer 2007  >   Overall Goalie Statistics

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Overall Goalie Statistics
# Player Team Sv%SavesShotsGPGARecord
1 G - Patrick Williams Bulldogs 0.850 384 452 16 68 8-7-1
2 G - Paul Zabriskie Scrappers 0.840 337 401 15 64 7-7-1
3 G - Michael Thompson Vvault 0.823 247 300 15 53 12-3-0
4 G - Jake Bywater Moose Factory 0.823 93 113 4 20 4-0-0
5 G - Jordan McCormack Ice Donkeys 0.801 262 327 13 65 7-3-3
6 G - Jake Bywater Moose Factory 0.791 254 321 14 67 6-8-0
7 G - Pete Rizos SF Seals 0.782 316 404 15 88 4-10-1
8 G - David Obad Point Blank 0.769 260 338 14 78 5-9-0
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