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Dulles SportsPlex  >   Winter 2007  >   Player Statistics

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Player Statistics
# Player Team PtsGAGP
1 18 - Mark Hendricks GMU 38 27 11 14
2 2 - Chris Duhaime GMU 26 18 8 14
3 59 - Peter Hendricks GMU 24 12 12 11
4 15 - Jerrod Funk GMU 17 10 7 14
5 7 - Matt Field GMU 9 4 5 10
6 25 - Matt Kraus GMU 8 2 6 12
7 16 - Matt McVey GMU 6 3 3 3
8 9 - Zach Bonner GMU 4 2 2 14
9 8 - David Sobral GMU 4 1 3 10
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