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RMU Island Sports Center  >   HS InLine JV  >   Goalie Statistics

Stat Abbreviations
Abbr Explanation
GA Goals Against
This is the number of goals given up by the goalie

GP Games Played
The number of games played by a goalie

GAA Goals Against Average
This is the number of goals given up by the goalie per game - weighted for minutes played

Min Minutes Played
The number of minutes the goalie played during the game.

Pen Penalties
This is the number of penalties called against a player

PIM Penalties In Minutes
Penalties are measured in minutes. The more severe the infraction, the longer a player is penalized. This is the total of the minutes penalized

Record Record
The record of the goalie, formatted as W-L-T

Saves Saves
The number of shots the goalie stopped

Shots Shots
The number of shots the goalie faced