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Hendersonville Inline Hockey Association  >   10U FALL 2017  >   Player Statistics

Stat Abbreviations
Abbr Explanation
GP Games Played
The number of games played by a player

Pts Points
A player gets one point for each goal scored and one point for each assist. Add them together and you have the total number of points. This is considered the primary offensive statistic

A Assists
Up to two players who pass the puck prior to a goal being scored are credited with an assist

G Goals
A goal is scored when the player puts the puck in the opposing team's net

PIM Penalties In Minutes
Penalties are measured in minutes. The more severe the infraction, the longer a player is penalized. This is the total of the minutes penalized

PPG Power Play Goals
The number of goals scored while the player's team had an extra man/men due to a penalty

SHG Short Handed Goals
The number of goals scored while the player's team had fewer men on the ice due to a penalty