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Haslet Sports Association  >   2010 SPRING PONY LEAGUE - 14U  >   Hitter Statistics

Stat Abbreviations
Abbr Explanation
GP Games Played
The number of games this player appeared in

Avg Batting Average
The ratio of hits to at bats

OBP On Base Percentage
The ratio of times on base to at bats

SLG Slugging Percentage
The ratio of number of bases (HR=4, 3b=3, etc) to at bats

1b Singles
The number of times this batter successfully reached first base on a hit

2b Doubles
The number of times this batter successfully reached second base on a hit

3b Triples
The number of times this batter successfully reached third base on a hit

AB At Bats
Times the batter has batted (does not include BBs or HBPs)

BB Walks
The number of times this batter reached first base via 4 balls

CS Caught Stealing
The number of times this batter, after becoming a runner, was caught stealing

The number of times this batter hit into two outs

H Hits
Number of safe hits

HBP Hit By Pitch
The number of times this batter reached base after being hit by a thrown pitch

HR Home Runs
The number of Home Runs this batter hit

R Runs Scored
The number of times this batter, after beocoming a runner, advanced all the way around the bases and scored

RBI Runs Batted In
The number of runs scored as a direct result of this batter's batting actions

Sac Sacrifices
The number of times this batter intentionally made an out in order to move a runner along the bases

SB Stolen Bases
The number of times this batter, after becoming a runner, advanced on his/her own

SO Strike Outs
The number of times this batter made an out by missing 3 strikes