East Bay United Soccer Club  >   Fall 2006 U8 Boys Registration   >   Schedule

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Date Time   Teams   Location
Sat 9/16/2006 6:00a   Palacios at Bye-No Game Bushrod (Upper) U8 #3
8:00a   Drogin at Darci Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   Pollak at Zusman Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   Sippel at Shuster Ramondi-U8 East
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Howland at Barmack Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
11:00a   Lewis at Ryan Chabot U8
11:00a   Olofson at Isip Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Sowerwine at Hankin Chabot U8
12:00p   O'Connell at Etter Chabot U8
1:00p   Donahue at Burns Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   KirschRincon at Weeks Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Leja at Cobb-Vialet Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   Benson at Kletz Raimondi-U8 West
Sat 9/23/2006 6:00a   Shuster at Bye-No Game Bushrod (Upper) U8 #3
6:00a   Zusman at Bye-No Game Bushrod (Upper) U8 #3
8:00a   Darci at Sowerwine Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   Etter at Ryan Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Hankin at Sippel Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
11:00a   Isip at Drogin Chabot U8
11:00a   Burns at O'Connell Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Barmack at Lewis Chabot U8
12:00p   Weeks at Donahue Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Cobb-Vialet at KirschRincon Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Leja at Olofson Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Benson at Pollak Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   Howland at Palacios Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   WOSC Martinez at Kletz Ramondi-U8 East
Sat 9/30/2006 8:00a   Sippel at Darci Game originally scheduled for Sep 30 2006 10:00AM Chabot U8
8:00a   Pollak at Kletz Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   Howland at Etter Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Zusman at Benson Chabot U8
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Sippel at Darci Rescheduled for Sep 30 2006  8:00AM Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
11:00a   Ryan at Burns Chabot U8
11:00a   Drogin at Olofson Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Sowerwine at Isip Chabot U8
12:00p   O'Connell at Weeks Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Donahue at Cobb-Vialet Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   KirschRincon at Leja Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Lewis at Hankin Ramondi-U8 East
4:00p   Shuster at Palacios Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   Barmack at WOSC Martinez Ramondi-U8 East
Sat 10/7/2006 8:00a   Barmack at Benson Chabot U8
9:00a   Drogin at Hankin Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Isip at Zusman Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
11:00a   Kletz at KirschRincon Chabot U8
11:00a   Sowerwine at Etter Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Burns at Ryan Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Olofson at Weeks Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Lewis at WOSC Martinez Chabot U8
2:00p   Leja at Darci Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Cobb-Vialet at Donahue Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   Howland at Palacios Chabot U8
4:30p   Pollak at O'Connell Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
4:30p   Sippel at Shuster Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
Sat 10/14/2006 8:00a   Pollak at Kletz Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   WOSC Martinez at Olofson Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Zusman at Cobb-Vialet Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
11:00a   O'Connell at KirschRincon Chabot U8
11:00a   Palacios at Isip Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Hankin at Sowerwine Chabot U8
12:00p   Shuster at Lewis Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Darci at Ryan Chabot U8
1:00p   Weeks at Drogin Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Howland at Barmack Chabot U8
2:00p   Burns at Benson Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Etter at Sippel Chabot U8
3:00p   Donahue at Leja Raimondi-U8 West
Sat 10/21/2006 6:00a   Howland at Bye-No Game Bushrod (Upper) U8 #3
6:00a   Barmack at Bye-No Game Bushrod (Upper) U8 #3
8:00a   KirschRincon at Pollak Chabot U8
8:00a   Sowerwine at Weeks Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   Leja at Zusman Chabot U8
9:00a   Kletz at O'Connell Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
11:00a   Drogin at Olofson Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Cobb-Vialet at Isip Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Benson at Darci Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Lewis at Etter Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Shuster at WOSC Martinez Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   Palacios at Burns Raimondi-U8 West
4:30p   Sippel at Hankin Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
4:30p   Ryan at Donahue Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
Sat 10/28/2006 8:00a   Sowerwine at Olofson Chabot U8
9:00a   Ryan at Zusman Chabot U8
9:00a   Hankin at Lewis Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Palacios at KirschRincon Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
11:00a   Isip at Leja Chabot U8
11:00a   WOSC Martinez at Drogin Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Cobb-Vialet at O'Connell Chabot U8
12:00p   Etter at Shuster Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Darci at Burns Chabot U8
1:00p   Weeks at Sippel Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Howland at Kletz Chabot U8
2:00p   Donahue at Benson Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Barmack at Pollak Raimondi-U8 West
Sat 11/4/2006 9:00a   Etter at WOSC Martinez Chabot U8
9:00a   Leja at Cobb-Vialet Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   KirschRincon at Barmack Chabot U8
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Benson at Zusman Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
10:00a   Sippel at Olofson Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
11:00a   Sowerwine at Drogin Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Ryan at Isip Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Burns at Donahue Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Pollak at Darci Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Lewis at Weeks Raimondi-U8 West
3:30p   O'Connell at Howland Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
4:00p   Palacios at Kletz Raimondi-U8 West
4:30p   Shuster at Hankin Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
Sat 11/11/2006 9:00a   Palacios at O'Connell Chabot U8
9:00a   Barmack at Kletz Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Burns at Zusman Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
10:00a   Isip at Benson Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
11:00a   Howland at Pollak Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Hankin at Etter Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   WOSC Martinez at Sowerwine Chabot U8
1:00p   Drogin at Sippel Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Cobb-Vialet at Ryan Chabot U8
2:00p   Leja at KirschRincon Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Donahue at Darci Raimondi-U8 West
3:30p   Olofson at Lewis Game originally scheduled for Nov 11 2006  3:30PM Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
3:30p   Olofson at Lewis Rescheduled for Nov 11 2006  3:30PM Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
4:30p   Weeks at Shuster Shepherd Canyon-U8#1 Sides C&D
Sat 11/18/2006 8:00a   Isip at Burns Raimondi-U8 West
9:00a   KirschRincon at Howland Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Darci at Zusman Chabot U8
10:00a   Out of League (Boys) #1 at Out of League (Boys) Game #2 Raimondi-U8 West
10:00a   Olofson at Shuster Game originally scheduled for Nov 18 2006 10:00AM Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
10:00a   Olofson at Shuster Rescheduled for Nov 18 2006 10:00AM Shepherd Canyon #1 - Sides A&B
11:00a   O'Connell at Barmack Raimondi-U8 West
12:00p   Kletz at Donahue Raimondi-U8 West
1:00p   Benson at Cobb-Vialet Chabot U8
1:00p   Sowerwine at Sippel Raimondi-U8 West
2:00p   Lewis at Drogin Chabot U8
2:00p   Ryan at Leja Raimondi-U8 West
3:00p   Etter at Weeks Chabot U8
3:00p   WOSC Martinez at Hankin Raimondi-U8 West
4:00p   Pollak at Palacios Raimondi-U8 West

Game Rescheduled  This game has been postponed
Makeup Game  This is a makeup game