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IFBL Charlotte - InterFaith Basketball League  >   2005-2006 3rd Grade - Boys  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result St. Matthew - Brady 16 at St. Gabriel - Brennan 12
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/7/2006 12:30p St. Matthew - Brady
Location British American School St. Gabriel - Brennan
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries St. Gabriel - Brennan Notes:
No notes

St. Matthew - Brady Notes:
Another fun and exciting game was played. Both teams played with enthusiasm and good sportsmanship. On the strength of a strong third quarter where they scored 8 of their 16 points, St. Matthew was able to pull out another win in a squeaker. Christian Chapman turned in his best game of the year leading the Wildcats in scoring with 6 points while managing 3 rebounds. Conor Brady led the wildcats in rebounding for the second consecutive week, grabbing 6 while scoring 2 points from 'downtown'. In his first game of the year after recovering from a broken arm, Matthew Curtin was impressive with 4 rebounds and 2 points. Jake Lavender (2 points and 2 rebounds) and Scott Tezza (4 points and 3 rebounds) managed most of the ball handling duties while playing great defense. Charlie Gantt and Drew Tomich showed great hustle, fought for every rebound/ loose ball and played great defense. It was another great team effort. Next up: St. Gabriel Leonard