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NOLL/SOLL  >   2001 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Tigers 4 at White Sox 5
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Scheduled 4/8/2001 3:30p Tigers
Location Chabot White Sox
ReScheduled Rescheduled Date/Time Unknown
ReSched Location Chabot
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Trailing, 4-1 in the fifth inning, the never-say-die White Sox rallied for two runs in the 5th and 6th innings, to upend a tough Tigers squad. Pitching four innings of one run ball, collecting three hits, and stealing home to tie the game in the 6th inning, MichaelC was a one man wrecking crew. In a key play, in the fifth inning with the Tigers on first and third and the Sox infield drawn in, TimR, the Sox's third baseman, checked the runner at third, hurled a bullet to JordanR at first, who threw a strike to home plate. where GabeF, emerging from a cloud a dust, tagged out the runner steaming home from third for a rally-killing, 5-3-2 doubleplay. Then in the bottom of the 6th inning, trailing 4-3, with two outs and two strikes, MichaelC doubled to start the rally which eventually ended with JordanB's clutch single to drive in the game winner, in a thrilling 5-4 Sox victory over the heartbroken Tigers.