
Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >     >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Moon Red 36 at Mount Lebanon Blue 13
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/20/2014 8:00a Moon Red
Location Jefferson MS Mount Lebanon Blue
ReScheduled 1/20/2015 6:15p
ReSched Location Jefferson MS
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Per Kate Murdoch, both teams are good with new date of 1/20/15 at 615.

Dear Oli,

I am contacting you to let you know that we need to cancel the above referenced game (8:00 am). I will contact you shortly with a few dates for rescheduling. I apologize for any inconvenience, but our team is scheduled to play two games that day, and with the proximity of the date to the holidays, many of my players could not commit to both games.

I will be in touch soon.

Kate Murdoch