
Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >     >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Chartiers Valley Red 3rd 22 at West Allegheny 15
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/16/2014 6:00p Chartiers Valley Red 3rd
Location West All. Donaldson Elem West Allegheny
ReScheduled 1/26/2015 6:00p
ReSched Location West All. Donaldson Elem
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Tim,

We have to cancel tonight’s Girls 4th Grade B game between West Allegheny and Chartiers Valley Red. The gym has been set up for a band concert tomorrow and there is no taking it down. I was under the assumption that they were going to set up after our game. I’ve talked to Tim Sexton at Chartiers Valley about it and left a message for Brian Rumski on his cell to inform the referees. We’ll reschedule this game at a later date.



Chad Cantor