
Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >     >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result USC 59 at Mount Lebanon 35
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/28/2015 11:15a USC
Location Jefferson MS Mount Lebanon
ReScheduled 2/28/2015 1:45p
ReSched Location Jefferson MS
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Tim,

I wanted to let you know that we have changed the time of my team's (Lebo 7th A) games on 2/14 and 2/28 to 1:45 at Jefferson MS due to a scheduling conflict with another league we play in. I have confirmed these changes with mike Wallace and the opposing teams coaches. Mike told me to have you copy Brian rumski on this email. Please let me know if I am good w these changes. Thanks for your help.

Buck Maxcy
(412) 874-5868