
Chartiers Valley Youth Basketball  >   2013/2014 Girls 6th Grade B Div.  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mount Lebanon Gold 13 at Moon 5/6 Team 19
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/31/2014 6:45p Mount Lebanon Gold
Location Moon Area Middle School Moon 5/6 Team
ReScheduled 2/7/2014 6:30p
ReSched Location Moon Brooks Elementary
Game Type Normal
Game Summary We are going to reschedule the cancelled(1/28) Moon girls games to this Friday(2/7).

PLEASE NOTE that the venue for these games will not be our middle school. We will be playing these games at Brooks Elementary. Please enter the gym at the side entrance next to the cafeteria. The address to the school is:

JH Brooks Elementary
1720 Hassam Rd.
Coraopolis, PA 15108

The game schedule is listed below. Please adjust the website schedule when you get a chance. I instructed our coaches to alert the visiting coaches with this information.

6:30 - 5th grade vs TJ
7:30 - 6th(A) vs TJ
8:30 - 6th (5/6 B) vs Ml Lebo

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need any more information.


Tom Durkin