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NOLL/SOLL  >   2012 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 20 at Rangers 21
(Suspended) Team Pages
Scheduled 5/30/2012 5:30p Brewers
Location Chabot Rangers
ReScheduled 6/1/2012 5:30p
ReSched Location Bushrod 2
Game Type Playoff
Official(s) Plate Umpire: David Kenton
Base Ump 1: Daveon Sadusky
Game Summary This is a suspended game, called for darkness last night. It will be picked up from where it left off. Pitchers used prior to when the game was stopped, cannot pitch, with the exception of the Brewers Gabe Esler, However,Esler can only pitch if he begins the restart of the game on the mound.

Max Loubet 66
Kaj O'Connell 20
Mays Washington 39
Gabe Esler 10 (pitcher of record at end of game)

Aden Goldberg - 50
> Michael Dixon - 65
> Chris Nylund - 14
> Zevan Shuster - 52 (pitched in the 6th, after which the game was called)

Pitcher Stats
Sorry, Pitcher stats not entered yet.