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NOLL/SOLL  >   2010 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Pelicans 3 at DBacks 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/22/2010 12:00p Pelicans
Location Willard MS DBacks
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Myles Lampenfeld
Base Ump 1: Alan Miller
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries DBacks Notes:
Stay tuned for a summary on today's action!

Pelicans Notes:
A beautiful summer day (finally) on the baseball field could only be improved by the absence of the ping of aluminum bats... The Pels and Diamondbacks thought of two ways to fix that and implemented both.

Idea1: Eliminate the ping. Coaches Steve and Brent came to the field with an array of wooden bats and outlawed all metals for the day's doubleheader. The teams went oldschool, stopping short of sharing gloves, but the bats went back and forth between dugouts each half inning.

Idea2: Just as effective as eliminating the ping of the bat was eliminating the bat from play. Rerun, Bump and Tigger combined to throw 13 innings of shutdown ball. The teams saw only 160 pitches combined and mustered just 9 hits!

Kirby's double to left was the day's only extra base hit, and it wasn't enough to save the Pels, who lost 5-3.

Final combined totals from game 1 of the woodbat doubleheader:
Innings pitched: 13
Plate appearances: 52
Broken bats: 0
Hits: 9
Extra base hits: 1
Runs: 8
Fun: ‡