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NOLL/SOLL  >   2002 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Cubbies 11 at Pelicans 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/4/2002 2:30p Cubbies
Location Willard MS Pelicans
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
Pels get a tremendous outing by rookie pitcher BSenigar, but fall short as the Cubbies club out 11 runs. 5 of the Cubbies' 11 came in on consecutive pitches in the second as CMiller and AWeberShapiro clout home runs on two mistakes. Miller's blast landed on Derby while WS's shot found the tennis courts behind right.

Pels offense is paced by CLyons and ABracewell, with great defense by ASpellman and SWeissman.

Cubbies Notes:
No notes