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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Boys 5th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Fiery Cheezeballs (Silva - Gold) 20 at Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) 23
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/15/2009 3:00p Fiery Cheezeballs (Silva - Gold)
Location Alameda HS, New Gym Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) Notes:
Game 8 02-15-09

Bulldogs 23
Fiery Cheezeballs 20

The Bulldogs continue their winning ways with a win over the Fiery Cheezeballs. The game was a battle to the very end. Jack Delmore led the team with 7 points, 21 rebounds and 2 steals. His presence on the floor was the key to the Bulldogs win. Luis Solares played a big game with 7 points, 4 rebounds and steals, 4 of his points came from the freethrow line. The 4th quarter proved to be a wild ending. As the game was very close the Bulldogs lost three players who fouled out, leaving them only 4 players remaining on the floor. Ryan Attias hit a key shot to increase the Bulldogs lead. Chris Gardner came into the game help the Bulldogs with his defense and drew an important foul to the slow the momentum of the Fiery Cheeseballs. The Bulldogs were able to run the clock out.

Fiery Cheezeballs (Silva - Gold) Notes:
No notes

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