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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Boys 5th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) 30 at Cyclones (Munoz - Raider Gray) 18
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/8/2009 8:00p Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue)
Location Encinal HS Gym Cyclones (Munoz - Raider Gray)
Game Type Normal
Official(s) : Julian Walker
Game Summary Synergy Corporate Housing's Cyclones battled the Bulldogs on February 8, 2009 and came up short losing 18 to 30.
Aaron Kees played a balance game scoring 4 points and 4 rebounds playing a great game. Bronson Lee continues to crush the board with a total of 13 rebounds. Mark Munoa was all over the court playing great defense.
Team Summaries Cyclones (Munoz - Raider Gray) Notes:
Synergy Corporate Housing's Cyclones battled the Bulldogs on February 8, 2009 and came up short losing 18 to 30.
Aaron Kees played a balance game scoring 4 points and 4 rebounds playing a great game. Bronson Lee continues to crush the board with a total of 13 rebounds. Mark Munoa was all over the court playing great defense.

Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) Notes:
No notes

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