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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2008-09 Boys 5th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Demons (Wilson - Red) 20 at Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) 16
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/11/2009 9:30a Demons (Wilson - Red)
Location Encinal HS Gym Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Bulldogs lost a tough but very close game to the Demons. Joseph Rockwell led the team through the battle with his aggressive defense and had 5 steals and team high 12 points and 5 rebounds. The first quarter ended in a tie 4-4 while the second quarter both teams didn't make one basket. The second half both teams began making their shots. Jack Delmore contributed 2 points, 9 rebounds and 4 steals. Nathan Low played great low post defense and was a prescene in the paint against the Demons. The game ended in a 20-16 final in favor of the Demons.
Team Summaries Bulldogs (Delmore - Blue) Notes:
The Bulldogs lost a tough but very close game to the Demons. Joseph Rockwell led the team through the battle with his aggressive defense and had 5 steals and team high 12 points and 5 rebounds. The first quarter ended in a tie 4-4 while the second quarter both teams didn't make one basket. The second half both teams began making their shots. Jack Delmore contributed 2 points, 9 rebounds and 4 steals. Nathan Low played great low post defense and was a prescene in the paint against the Demons. The game ended in a 20-16 final in favor of the Demons.

Demons (Wilson - Red) Notes:
No notes

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