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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Cubs 10 at Diamondbacks 11
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/20/2008 9:00a Cubs
Location Front Caldecott Diamondbacks
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Dennis Eagan
Base Ump 1: Glenn Boyce
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Diamondbacks Notes:
Diamondbacks Walk Home with a Win Over the Cubs

The Diamondbacks laid claim to their 3rd straight victory today winning 11-10 over a gritty Cubs team. The Cubs began the game firing on all cylinders, scoring 3 runs in the top of the 1st. The Dbacks answered with two runs in the bottom of the 1st to make it 3-2. T Bird started off with a single up the middle and promptly swiped 2nd. She scored on a double by Rope. Clutch swapped places with Rope when he ripped an RBI double. Clutch, who went 2-3 and had 2 RBI, was thrown out at 3rd, following silly coaching at 3rd base yanking the bat out of Ace’s hands.

Game Time settled in and found a groove on the mound allowing 1 run on only 3 hits over 3 innings. This would allow the Dbacks to claim a 4-3 lead after a 2-run second inning. Runs were scored by Gold Glove and Rope. One run scored on a walk to Ace, one of 3 walks on the day. The Cubs defense turned a stellar 1-2-3 double play with bases loaded to end the rally. Just before the DP, Ace just missed hitting a double down the left field line…foul by a smidgeon!

The injury bug struck the Dback defense in the top of the 5th on a flare up the middle. Gold Glove and T Bird collided forcing the feisty Dback leadoff hitter to the bench for ice. With only 9 present, the Diamondbacks were down to 8 defenders, but the outfielders covered their ground getting 3 of the final 9 outs by way of shagging down flyballs...GREAT HUSTLE!!!

The Dbacks added 3 runs in the 5th inning. The rally was started when Rope reached on an error. Game Time walked. Then came 3-straight hits by Clutch, Ace, and Contact, extending their lead to 7-4.

The Cubs continued to show their fight, scoring 2 runs in the top of the 6th. The Dbacks answered with 3 runs themselves. One run was forced in on a walk to Ace. Two runs scored on a hard single up the middle by Contact, who finished 2-4 with 3 RBI and game MVP. The 3 runs extended the Dback lead to 10-6. But all was not done…

As seen in several games early on in the NOLL/SOLL season, the Cubs put on their rally caps and plated 4 runs in the top of the 7th to tie the game. The home half of the 7th was started by Mr. Positive, who drew a walk. Heads up base running got him to 2nd. Gold Glove then laid down a magnificent bunt, reaching base as the Cubs attempted unsuccessfully to get the runner at 3rd base. Rope was then issued his 2nd free pass of the game to load the bases. Game Time walked to force home the winning run, 11-10.

Deuce pitched the 5th and 6th innings giving up 2 runs on 6 hits. He gave way to Rope in the 7th, but returned to the mound to complete the inning after a tough start. Deuce inherited a situation with no outs and the bases juiced. With nerves of steel, the Dback defense regrouped and prevented further damage. What a finish!

GREAT game Dbacks & Cubs!

Cubs Notes:
No notes