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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Angels 7 at Mariners 0
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/28/2008 5:30p Angels
Location Front Caldecott Mariners
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Roy Manzanares
Base Ump 1: Steve Depetris
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Mariners Notes:
After our game, when one of my assistant coaches said we had an uninspiring effort, I thought to myself: but maybe it’s the kind of effort you need for some end-of-season inspiration. The Angels just needed one pitcher who simply kept the Mariners off-balance throughout. The Angels struck for four in the first, even though Aaron pitched well enough to get out of it with far less. Unfortunately, some defensive miscues opened the floodgates. But Aaron stuck with it and threw two more solid innings, only giving up one more run. In the first, Will tried to get things started with a double and a steal of third, but was left stranded. The Mariners then kept going down quietly, with only Luke getting a base knock in the third, Alex a hit in the 5th, with the last two hits in the bottom of the 7th with Greg hitting a double and Aaron pushing him over to third. But as fate would have it, the Angels kept flying high by nailing Aaron trying to steal 2nd in order to stay out of the DP, which basically ended our last gasp for a comeback. Will and Alex both threw a couple of solid innings and only gave up one run each, but who would’ve thunk that one of those runs would be enough on this mid-week game? Even as our defense regained its composure after the 1st inning, with Karsten and Xhjyl making some nice plays in the OF, Jesse making plays from 3B, SS and 2B, Luke gunning his customary runner out at 2B, and Christian with the nice unassisted DP on a knuckle-ball of a line-drive, the Mariners’ offense kept waiting for something to happen, and it just never did. So, maybe the inspiration is simply this – that if we’re going to pick a game to not have our 'A' game, it's good that it's not the last game. And on the brighter side, I am still proud of the way the M's kept it close after the 1st inning, as out pitching and defense waited patiently for its sibling, the offense, to catch up. Since we are seamen, after all, only thing to do next is patch the sails, lift anchor, and set course for Saturday against the mighty Astros.

Angels Notes:
No notes