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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Diamondbacks 8 at Mariners 17
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/23/2008 6:30p Diamondbacks
Location Willard MS Mariners
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Jack Boos
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Mariners Notes:
The venomous DBacks started the game by showing their fangs as back to back hits set up their #4 batter, who cranked one deep over the LC Willard fence. Aaron, to his credit, quickly settled down and closed the door on the scoring after that dinger. The Mariners tried to answer back, but only Alex could generate a base hit, as our heart of the order fizzled against the DBacks opening ace. Luckily, Aaron pulled a seven pitch 2nd inning out of his hat to get us back into the dugout, and promptly led off with a base knock. But even as fortune was starting to show its pretty face to the Mariners, Christian hit a nubber in the air to 1B, who then made the unassisted DP. That was all she wrote as the Ms were down 3 to 0 after two.

The new Mariner pitching rotation then inserted Alex, who side-armed his way to 2 Ks, and was helped by a nice catch in CF by Karsten. But would Alex’s effort be enough for a momentum change? Karsten seemed to get things started with a solid hit. But a late break and small lead on a steal attempt left him hung out to dry at second. Then, a discrete but pivotal play occurred as Luke popped up high to 1B and ran it out, which was just barely enough to beat it out when the ball wiggled out of the glove on the catch attempt. Alex then did his part to set the table by drawing a full-count walk. Then, on a 1 and 1 count, Will ripped a line drive to center field that went to warp speed after the second bounce, and then trounced its way to the deepest part of the park. With his legs in spring-training form, Will sprinted home for a game-tying inside-the-parker. Not wanting to be outshined, Greg got it started again with a hard shot to LF. Then Xhjyl came through big time with a clutch base hit that plated the go-ahead run. Christian finished off the scoring with a double, giving the Ms a 5 to 3 lead.

In the top of the 4th, Alex continued his efficiency on the mound as he struck out one, gave up one hit, but allowed no runs in his second inning of work. In the bottom half, Luke walked and was moved over by an Alex base knock. Will then followed with another warp speed bouncer/line drive that drove in two, making it 7 to 3.

Christian then took the ball from Alex, and showed a super lively fastball as he struck out the first batter he faced. In fact, if Christian’s fastball was hitting 70-75 mph, then the ball must’ve been going at least 90 mph when the DBacks #3 batter crushed it over the left field fence. A little rattled, Christian walked the next batter, but regained his composure with the help of Luke who scrambled to pick up a squibbler and fire to first for the 2nd out. It was just what the doctor ordered as Christian struck out the last batter to keep the score 7 to 5.

In the Mariners’ turn at bat, Xhjyl was again the spark as he ran hard to get his second hit of the game. After a walk by Christian, Jesse showed moved Xhjyl over to third with a FC, which was all Sam needed to drive in a run with his first hit of the game. Although Karsten got a little excited and popped up on his first offering, Luke picked him up as he drove in a run with a shot. Alex then cleared the bases, plating two, as he ripped a triple to RC. Will walked and stole 2nd to set up 2nd and 3rd, and Greg lived up the role of clean-up batter as he doubled in two more to make it 13 to 5.

But with the memory of the DBacks’ offense still fresh in the Ms minds, especially those two earlier moon shots, no lead was safe. Prophetically, the DBacks scored back to back hits to start off the 6th inning. Then with two outs, a clutch hit drove in both of those runners to close the score at 13 to 7, with the heart of the DBacks order coming up. But as Luke has done many times, a laser strike to third nailed the runner, and quieted the DBacks deadly rattle.

Perhaps scared of what the DBacks could do, the Mariners got four more insurance runs, helped by Christian and Sam who drew walks to lead it off. Jesse then plated one on an IF hit as Christian scrambled home to draw the throw. After Luke worked his way on, Will and Greg then had back to back hits to give Christian a 17 to 8 cushion.

It was enough peace of mind for Christian as after giving up a lead off hit, he found his groove and threw some very effective pitches. Aaron made a particularly nice play with the long throw from 3B, and Jesse speared a hot shot at second that had extra bases written all over it.

In sum, this was a game that didn’t look promising for the Mariners at first, but after grinding it out and surviving the early DBacks fireworks, the Ms pitching hung in there long enough for the offense to finally kick in as every player scored. Has our ship finally come in? Will it be a rock solid battle ship that’s ready for the playoffs? Or will the Mariners turn into the Titanic where it’s a fine line between being cocky and confident? Stay tuned sports fans….. stay tuned.

Diamondbacks Notes:
No notes