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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Astros 5 at Pelicans 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/18/2008 12:00p Astros
Location Willard MS Pelicans
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Glenn Boyce
Base Ump 1: John Vande Guchte
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
Fresh off a 9am game, a light snack and a vicious water balloon fight, the Pels finally felt their normal selves and were itching for a battle. The Astros brought their A-game and this contest was close and tense the whole way thru!

JohnT started for the Astros, and struck out 7 Pelicans thru 3 innings, giving up just 1 single, which in turn was erased on a 9-6 fielder's choice. The Pels countered with Strawberry (1 1/3 innings) and Christmas, who likewise limited the Astros to no hits thru 3. Despite the lack of hitting, there was no lack of offense - several walks, a hit batter, a few fielding errors and even a safety squeeze (great bunt, Bug!) helped the teams grind out some runs and the yellow and black led 2-1 after 3.

Christmas ended up pitching 3 2/3 innings, giving up just 1 hit. He fired a first pitch strike to 11 of the 14 batters he faced, and he did it all in just 42 pitches. And as if his mound work wasn't enough, Christmas broke the game open in the 5th with a 2-run clout to the left field fence.

As the final strike settled in Bug's glove, the Pels had completed their 10-man, 3-games-in-18-hours marathon. When all was said and done, the Pels took advantage of their offensive opportunities and played generally great defense. Not the sort of stretch you'd like to schedule, but it was great to watch the kids rise to the occasion. Special thanks from Coaches Matt and Steve to the Pelicans' parents for making sure that attendance, fields and snacks all went so smoothly!

Astros Notes:
No notes