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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Pelicans 2 at Athletics 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/17/2008 6:30p Pelicans
Location Willard MS Athletics
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Mitch Anglin
Base Ump 1: Alan Miller
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Athletics Notes:
No notes

Pelicans Notes:
The Pels start their 3-game oddessey with a fantastic game against the Athletics! Between the record setting heat wave and the typical Berkeley evening fog, it seemed that Mother Nature couldn't quite work up her usual appetite for Willard Field torment and the game was played under quite reasonable conditions.

The Pels had a few moments - FishStick and Lightning each pitched themselves out of bases-loaded jams. Strawberry's desire to get every last bit of infield onto or into his uniform aggressive station-to-station baserunning in the 6th kept everyone in stitches.

This game, however, simply belonged to JoshS of the A's. He threw an unheard of 73-pitch, 7-inning complete game whiffing 5 Pels with a steady diet of perfect location and confident defense.

Right back at 9am for game two.