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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mets 7 at Pelicans 14
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/13/2008 TBD Mets
Location TBD Pelicans
ReScheduled 5/18/2008 9:00a
ReSched Location Willard MS
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Eric Hughes
Base Ump 1: Glenn Boyce
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
Eager to (yawn) schedule a make up for their game from 5/13, the Pels and Mets grabbed (yawn) coffee and a bagel on the way to the field this morning...

The Mets caffeine buzz kicked in first, as they reached Postcard for 2 runs and lots of loud contact in the top of the opening frame. Thru 4 innings, it was 4-3 Mets and the game had all the makings of a barnburner. Both pitchers hit their pitch counts after 5, tho, and the Pels offense took over in the late stages of the game.

JP invested in his first double of the season, the crucial hit to the Pels 5th inning rally. Several Pels had extra base hits, with Mumbles, Dallas and Strawberry leading the way.

Defensively the Pels sparkled erasing 7 Mets on the basepaths using a variety of fielders choices, pickoffs, caught stealing and outfield assists.

2 down and 1 to go for the Pels' 18-hour oddessey.

Mets Notes:
No notes