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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Marlins 4 at Pelicans 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/23/2008 5:30p Marlins
Location Front Caldecott Pelicans
ReScheduled 5/27/2008 6:30p
ReSched Location Willard MS
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Base Ump 1: John Vande Guchte
Game Summary original umpire: Chris Woodward
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
The first place fish and the second place fish-eating birds met on a typical Willard night - windless, cloudless and 27 degrees (wish that were Celsius...)

The teams traded minor blows early, with the Marlins holding a 2-1 lead after two. The Pels took advantage of a few teal miscues and a few timely hits to hang a half-dozen on the board in the third. Dallas and Strawberry had big hits, but none bigger than Bug's 2-strike, 2-out single to plate the final run of the inning (and of the game for the Pels).

In the fourth and fifth, Strawberry (who had pitched his way into and out of trouble all night long) continued to keep the Marlins from finding the big hit. Eventually he gave way to PostCard, who pitched out of a 2-on, 1-out jam to end the 5th and then tiptoed thru the 6th and 7th without waking the Marlins' bats.

With a runner at third, Chester made a great over the shoulder catch of a line drive to shallow right to end the game.

Best of luck to both teams as they clear the regular season this weekend!

Marlins Notes:
No notes