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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Pelicans 12 at Padres 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/13/2008 3:00p Pelicans
Location Front Caldecott Padres
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Alison Monroe
Base Ump 1: Dennis Eagan
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Padres Notes:
No notes

Pelicans Notes:
* Preheat Caldecott Field to 77 degrees
* Liberally grease field with former teammates and coaches
* Open defense and spread over field, especially at P, SS and CF
* Play until crisp and hot!

Mmmmm, FishSticks!

Simply, today's game belonged to FishStick. On the mound? 3IP in 37 pitches and just 1 run allowed including facing the heart of the lineup twice. At the plate? Two triples and a double. In the field? Several plays at short, including an assist off a deflection from the pitcher and (to top things off) an OF assist to nail a runner at the plate.

The rest of the Pels were working hard, too, as the Yellow and Black banged out another dozen. Highlights included a crushed double by Chester and Slappy's 3-for-4, 2RBI performance. Strawberry and Lightning combined for 4 innings of relief and the Pels threw a season low 113 pitches.