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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mariners 4 at Diamondbacks 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/13/2008 12:00p Mariners
Location Willard MS Diamondbacks
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Mitch Anglin
Base Ump 1: Gary Greenfield
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Diamondbacks Notes:
Diamondbacks Hold Off Short-Handed Mariners

Playing with only 8 players today, the Mariners gave the Diamondbacks everything they could muster. But the D’backs held their ground, scoring 7 of their 9 runs in the 4th and 6th innings to earn a 9-4 victory.

Rope pitched two scoreless innings to start the game for the D’backs. Also pitching was Big Time (2 IP, 2 R) and T-Bird (3IP, 2R); both working double time, fielding the position phenomenally on 5 attempts.

The scoring opened in the bottom of the 1st when T-Bird led off with a triple, scoring on a single by Big Time. Big Time scored later in the inning after Gold Glove walked with the bases juiced and only 1-out. The Mariners squelched the rally right then and prevented further damage.

Quick outs for both teams in the 2nd got the game moving right along. The scoring resumed in the 3rd when Greg hit a two-run bomb to tie the score at 2. The D’backs had an answer, but not until the bottom of the 4th when they scored 3 and claimed a 5-2 advantage. The rally was sparked by 4-consecutive 2-out hits, beginning with a single by Clutch. T-Bird followed with a double that scored Clutch from 1st. T-Bird scored on a single by Big Time. The final hit of the inning came in the way of a three-bagger by Rope that scored 1.

The M’s inched back to 5-4 scoring runs in the 5th and 6th innings. The bats of the D’backs would be awaken one last time in the 6th, scoring 4 runs to make it 9-4. Gold Glove got the inning started by a line drive single. Big Time’s 3rd hit of the ball game and Rope’s 2nd hit soon followed. Game Time came up with 2 on and 1 out and blasted a triple into deep left center that scored 2 more. He later scored on Mr. Positive’s ground ball to 2nd base.

The D’Backs may have been able to score more, but shots off the bat of Deuce and Contact seemed to find the awaiting Mariner defenders. The D’backs closed out a great weekend of baseball scoring their 2nd victory in as many days. With many heading off to spring break, it was a nice way to send them off and to wish Twinkle Toe a Happy Birthday!

Great Game Mariners & Diamondbacks!!!

Mariners Notes:
'Are you kidding me?!' is the first thing I said to the disappointed Mariner faces, as we huddled up at the end of the game. 'There were freakin' eight of you....' That's right sports fans, we had one more than Yul Brenner's Magnificent Seven, and although good ol' Yul prevailed at the end, he had a village who rallied behind him. Unfortunately, the Ms two person OF of Greg H. and Trey K. had no villagers to rely upon, and simply ran their hearts out chasing down balls all around them, but the odds just caught up to them in the bottom of the sixth when the D-Backs put four across to put the dagger in us. Before then though, the Ms were playing like there were 10 of them on the field, keeping it a 2 to 2 game through 3 innings. Christian had the start and did his best to pitch them in the same spot so we could take our best guess on where to play our OF. In fact, although the D-Backs batted 8 in the 1st, they only had 2 to show for it, thanks to a nifty grab by Sam F. at 2B on a flare that had 2 RBIs written all over it. Karsten, filling in for all of our hurt SSs, was money as he made 6 assists, not including his own over the shoulder catch in shallow LC. Not to be outdone, Aaron had a little Brooks Robinson in him today as he snared two for-sure doubles/triples (we played no LF) and then made some great long throws to 1B to keep us in it. Luke H. also had a pair of lasers to 2B and 3B from the catcher spot, but the gloves just couldn't handle the hot throws to complete the tags. But the defensive highlight had to be in the 5th, when the Ms had the most hope, when Alex pounced off the mound to grab a hard bunt, fired to Karsten covering 2B, who then relayed it to Christian for the textbook DP. The Mariners' offense also showed an added dimension besides 'small ball' today as Greg continued his hit parade as he drove in our first two runs with an inside the parker that went to deep left-center. He then tried to do it all himself again with a smash up the middle in the 5th, stole 2nd, and scurried home on an errant pick-off throw. At that point, the short-handed Ms were only down 5 to 3, and closed it to 5-4, even after Christian smacked a shot through the hole, stole a bag, but got caught with a fake throw to 2B. Steady Aaron followed suit with his own 1B, as did Trey on a hit and run that gave him a ribbie to put us in striking distance. But, just like in Vegas, it's hard to beat the house, and placing all our chips on the pass-line caught up with us in that unfortunate sixth as Trey almost snagged a hot liner with the tons of runners on, that just went past his outstretched glove. By that time, the dynamic duo of Greg and Trey had probably run a marathon out there, and it just wasn't to be on this crisp, blue day at Willard. But as I was saying before I went on this game summary tangent, these 8 young men have no right to be disappointed. Still, I have to admit I was especially proud of how competitive these guys are. From the 1st inning, Luke 'Trust The Force' had his game face on, and you could see how badly he wanted to win this particular game , as every AB he had was like the last AB in the 7th game of the World Series. Although not all the Ms wore their competitivenss on their sleeves as much as Luke, I took note of a subtle swagger that was simply one OF short of what if...? Gamers, that's all I have left to say.... all 8 of them.