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NOLL/SOLL  >   2008 Juniors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mariners 2 at Padres 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/5/2008 3:00p Mariners
Location Witter Padres
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Peter Stanwyck
Base Ump 1: Troy Crosby
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Padres Notes:
No notes

Mariners Notes:
On a great looking day at Witter, it was pitching and defense that set the tone for the Mariners' season opener. Like last year, Aaron L. took the starting nod and with a sweet 6-3 double-play by Alex L., almost got out of the first inning with a shut-out. Instead, a couple of miscues with two outs allowed the Padres the opportunity to squeeze across four runs.

Aaron then pitched flawlessly for the next three innings as the Padres went 3 up, 3 down, with some tremendous defensive help. Karsten K. snagged a deep fly ball in the 2nd. Then in the 3rd, Jesse W. started a heads-up run-down on a fielder's choice that included Sam F., Luke H., with the final tag applied by Xhjyl K. who ran in from left field. In the same inning, Jesse W. caught a pop-out in foul territory, and stayed alert enough to notice the runner at 2nd straying far enough to double him off as Sam F. snuck in behind him to snag the throw for an unorthodoxed inning-ending DP. In fact, Aaron arguably gave up his only earned run in the 5th, and that came in on a wild pitch. But with 2 outs and his pitch count maxed out, Jesse promptly came in to throw one pitch to get a pop-out to end it with no further damage. Then when Jesse pitched in the 6th inning, Sam pulled off a gorgeous 4-3 DP by spearing a shot hit up the middle as he was running over to cover 2nd on a steal.

So, what about the Mariners' offense? Well, in the 4th, we came close as Greg H. got hit by a pitch, stole his way to 2nd, then moved over on a infield hit by Alex L. Jesse W. then placed down a perfect suicide squeeze bunt, but a slight delay by the runner allowed the pitcher to flick the ball home for a close play and no cigar. The Mariners also made some noise in the 5th when Aaron, Thomas W. and Greg, all drew walks to load the bases. Alex L. then hit a hard grounder into the 6-4 hole, but their SS grabbed it for the force at 3rd to end that threat. The loudest bang came in the 6th when Sam led off with a walk, followed by a beautifully executed hit and run double by Jesse. Christian C. then followed with his own perfect execution of a safety squeeze, that drove in the first Mariner run of the season. Karsten then battled in his AB, fighting off a 2 strike count to hit a ground ball to the right side that drove in the 2nd and unfortunately, last run for the Mariners for the day.

Although the Mariners didn't win this one, this was a well-played game by both sides, that was only a break or two away from being a last inning nail-biter. Hopefully, the pitching and defense carries over to tomorrow, with just a wee bit more offense, as we face the mighty Mets.