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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2007-08 Girls 5th&6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result BayRisk BLUE ICE 15 at 1st Capital Pacific WED WOBINS 22
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/24/2008 6:00p BayRisk BLUE ICE
Location Encinal HS Gym 1st Capital Pacific WED WOBINS
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary For the Wed Wobins, Deniz Moll scored two points and grabbed a rebound and a steal, while Emily Beireis snagged four rebounds and five steals, but had a Sportscenter-highlight-reel-block on the Blue Ice's sharp shooter, preventing a comeback in the second half. Sierra Edwards put up two points on a key offensive rebound while Jessica Cavalli led the team in rebounding with 10 to go along with her three steals. Joanna Koo played tough on her return from the D.L. with a rebound and a steal, and Lauren Guererro crashed the boards with a rebound and forced a steal which led to a basket.

Shooter Stats
Player GPPts
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Misc Stats
Player GPRebStlRebDefRebOff
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