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City of Palo Alto  >   Palo Alto Basketball Fall 07 Mondays  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result TSA Renegades 52 at EPRI Megawatts 71
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Scheduled 10/29/2007 7:00p TSA Renegades
Location Terman Gym EPRI Megawatts
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The TSA Renegades, a team that like to use its speed to play an up-tempo game was engulf and curtail by the puissant, height, and strength of EPRI Megawatts' twin towers. EPRI Megawatts' big men siege the glass reducing TSA Renegades to only one half-half fast break basket. At the half, EPRI Megawatts led 33-21.
In the second half, it was all EPRI Megaeatts, rebounding, steals, outside scoring, and inside supremacy. The twin towers combined for 36 points and 20 rebounds, and the guards made 4 of 9 from behind the arch. In a gutsy effort, TSA Renegades guards scored 44 points.